Vaginulus fusca Heynemann, 1885
External: Large slug, slighter wider than tall; elliptical body with a slight arch; brown notum with scattered black marks, slightly denser on posterior end and right side; thin longitudinal line on mid-notum; whitish, sharp perinotum; whitish hyponota; female opening behind midpoint of body, and 1/4 distance from pedal groove; whitish sole with a longitudinal median line; circular anus on the right, inside the hyponotum, beyond the pedal groove, and covered by a opercular blade and posterior foot end (Thomé 1979).
Internal: Pedal gland thin, flat, loose, yellow (11 mm long, 2 mm wide in an 81 mm long animal); rectum intersects body wall near and above oviduct; penial gland with a conical papilla, slightly constricted at apex and with 34 tubular diverticula; penis with a short, conical stalk and somewhat flattened, S-shaped gland with side flaps; pear-shaped spermatheca with an undifferentiated duct and fused to oviduct, with a short, thick canalis junctor attached at the base (Thomé 1979). .
Preserved: to 81 mm long, 30 mm wide, right hyponotum 12.7 mm wide, sole 14.6 mm wide (Thomé 1979). .
Type Locality: Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara, Brazil (Thomé 1979).