Semperula wallacei (Issel, 1874)
External: Yellow-brown notum with gray spots; hyponota and sole yellow-brown, sometimes with tiny black spots on hyponota; finely papillate notum; female opening a transverse slit, usually with dark surrounding pigmentation; sole half or less width of a hyponotum (Forcart 1969).
Internal: Penis gland with a pointed papilla and ~16 glandular tubules gathered in an S-shaped package (Forcart 1969).
To 44 mm long, 19 mm wide, right hyponotum 5.5 mm wide, sole 3 mm wide (preserved) (Forcart 1969).
Australia (Christmas Id), China (Hong Kong, Macao), Fiji, Indonesia, Western Samoa, Vanuatu (sources in Gomes & Thomé 2004).