Plutonia Stabile, 1864
Six species are in the genus Plutonia (Mordan & Martins 2001).
External: Lobes of mantle partially cover internal shell (Mordan & Martins 2001).
Internal: Strong jaw, very pointed teeth (Barker & Efford 2004); variable internal shell under lobes of mantle; vas deferens joins apex of penis through a short internal verge with a pore; short penis with large gland on its surface; penial retractor muscle loops around optic nerve, runs below right optical retractor, and attaches to diaphragm; short oviduct; vagina long and thick, containing a large stimulatory papillae; vaginal gland situated between oviduct and vagina (Mordan & Martins 2001; Schileyko 2003).
Azores and Canary Ids. (Schileyko 2003).
Predator of mollusks and earthworms (Barker & Efford 2004).