Testacella (Testacella) maugei Férussac, 1819
External: Brown body (or sometimes gray, greenish brown, or black) flecked with small dark spots; lighter on sides; shell about 14 x 7 mm, with brown periostracum; widest part of body at the posterior; two prominent lateral grooves along dorsum, 5 mm apart at origin (at the anterior of the shell), and with 14 sub-grooves per main groove; two rows of prominent tubercles along dorsum; sole pink, yellow, or orange, faintly divided into three parts; clear, viscous mucus (Quick 1960; Herbert 2010).
Internal: No lateral retractors on buccal bulb; penis swollen towards end, with no flagellum; spermatheca duct long and thin, swollen at base; penial retractor begins 2/3 of the way back on the right body wall (Quick 1960).
Eggs: 5 x 4 mm (Quick 1960).
60-100 mm long, extended (Quick 1960).
Native to: SW Spain, Portugal, UK and Ireland, Atlantic islands, Morocco (Quick 1960; Herbert 2010).
Introduced to: North America and South Africa (Quick 1960).
Synanthropic; favors earthworm-rich, cultivated soil (Herbert 2010).