Arion franciscoloi Boato, Bodon & Giusti, 1983
Endemic species of N Apennines.
External: Slug grey, sometimes with yellowish or greenish hue, with a darker longitudinal colour band at each side, blurry at lower edge and with a white margin upside; skin with elongated tubercles surrounded by a fine reticulate pattern of dots; mantle 1/3 of body length, pneumostome in anterior half and with a pale border; head and tentacles bluish-grey; foot margin yellowish grey with small blackish spots; sole pale yellow; caudal mucus gland clearly evident; mucus colourless.
Resembles Arion hortensis with differences in anatomical characters, characteristic foot-fringe spotting, and position of genital aperture with respect to the respiratory orifice (located between right upper tentacle and slit of repiratory orifice).
Size: 30-40 mm long, preserved 25-30 mm.
NW Italy: Liguria, Alpi Apuane.
Type Locality: Italy: Genova, Camogli, Pietre Strette, Monte di Portofino, 400 m.
Lower montane deciduous woodlands; on acid and calcareous surfaces.