Securicauda hermani Leonard, Chichester, Richart & Young 2011
External: Very small slugs; mantle 70% length of body; body and mantle gray to tan with tiny light blue marks, and white patch on right side; sometimes dark pigment in reticulations/grooves on tail; mantle with dark brown to gray blotches and a wide stripe on each side; tan head; dark brown to gray tentacles; lumpy mantle; pneumostome slightly anterior to mid mantle; strong keel present; no caudal mucus pore; pedal groove present; undivided sole light gray to light brown with white marks; clear mucus (Leonard et al. 2011).
Internal: Internal shell domed; about 50 ribs on jaw; short, U-shaped epiphallus partly within penis; thick-walled penis; penial retractor muscle large, entering penis apex and connecting with verge; acorn-shaped penial verge present; penis connects directly to genital opening; small round spermatheca with very short spermatheca duct; spermatheca duct joins vagina near connection with oviduct; vagina wide and short; no atrium (Leonard et al. 2011).
Differs from Carinacauda stormi – no atrium, short epiphallus partly embedded in penis (Leonard et al. 2011).
8-10 mm long extended (Leonard et al. 2011).
N Idaho (USA) (Leonard et al. 2011).
Western Hemlock Zone, all found in Western Redcedar forest; found at 1060-1300 m altitude; under fallen wood, in moss, in mat of fallen pine needles; riparian borders (Leonard et al. 2011).