Trichotoxon Simroth, 1888
Darts are used in mating (Davison et al. 2005). .
External: Large slugs (Verdcourt 1960).
Internal: Short vas deferens; long epiphallus (longer than vas deferens) with long, thin caecum; short penis (for family) with small internal verge; thin penis sheath around penis and basal part of epiphallus; short oviduct with a bulge in its base; thin spermatheca duct with a wide base; short vagina; large, long atrium with two internal dart sacs/sarcobelums, each with two darts inside and with retractor muscles (Verdcourt 1960; Verdcourt & Polhill 1961; Schileyko 2002).
Kenya, Pemba Island, Tanzania, Uganda, Zaire (equatorial E Africa) (Schileyko 2002).