Pembatoxon insulare Van Goethem, 1975
Internal: Short vas deferens; long epiphallus twisted around penis; long, thin caecum on apex of epiphallus; long penis with a short verge inside its base; sheath around lower penis; penial retractor muscle joined at top end of penial sheath; oviduct with bulging base; spermatheca long with duct undifferentiated; vagina negligible; spermatophore coiled in a spiral and with 4-5 longitudinal rows of small spines along the outer side (Schileyko 2002).
Only Pemba Island and Unguja Island (Zanzibar) (Rowson et al. 2010).
Woodland (Burgess & Clarke 2000); in leaf litter and dead logs (Rowson et al. 2010).