Arion (Arion) rufus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Rocks from side to side like A. ater when a potential enemy perturbs it (Quick 1960).
Rocks from side to side like A. ater when a potential enemy perturbs it (Quick 1960).
Increasingly rare, disappeared nearly completely from culticated areas. Originally widespread and frequent, but has been replaced by Arion lusitanicus in many regions.
Decreasing in Bavaria, vulnerable in Austria.
Up to 150 mm long, exceptionally 180 mm.
Central and W Europe, N Italy.
Natural humid forests and humid meadows, margins of water bodies, swamps, also in cultivated areas until the 1970s when it was replaced by Arion vulgaris/lusitanicus. In Britain mainly in lowlands and man-made habitats in southern Britain and Ireland. .
Life cycle 1 year. Reproduction in summer by copulation, occasionally also by self-fertilization, up to 500 eggs in several clutches are laid in autumn, juveniles hatch after 1 month and reach maturity in the next summer after 9-10 months.
Feeds on green and rotting plants, mushrooms, faeces and dead animals.