Limax (Limax) conemenosi Boettger, 1882
Climbs trees (Wiktor 1996).
External: Narrow body; gray-cream, yellowish, or red-gray body with small black spots (1 mm) scattered evenly; slightly rounded dorsum; short, weak keel to 10 mm long; creamy sole; clear mucous.
Internal: Cylindrical penis 1/2 body length with broad coecum, with vas deferens far above connection with retractor muscle (2/3 from base); penis with strong fold inside posterior part (Wiktor 1983, 1996).
Genitalia similar to those of L. macedonicus, but penial coecum does not taper and retractor muscle thinner (Wiktor 1983).
Preserved: to 80 mm long, 12 mm wide, mantle 22 mm long and 1/4 body length (Wiktor 1983, 1996).
Native to: N Greece and adjacent islands (Wiktor 1983).
Non-native to: human-disturbed habitats in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Kosovo (Wiktor 1996).
In shrubs, parks, gardens; often synanthropic; takes shelter under rocks (Wiktor 1983, 1996).