Limax (Limax) cephalonicus Simroth, 1886
Limax macedonicus, L. graecus.
External: Black to black-brown to dark gray body, sometimes with a light keel/mid-line; sometimes blackish and light spots, forming reticulations or streaks across body and mantle; keel only on 1/7 of body; creamy sole; clear mucous (Wiktor 1996).
Internal: Strait or slightly bent penis, <1/2 body length; retractor and vas deferens 1/3 of the way along penis from its apex, with retractor closer to base than vas deferens; apex of penis "pocket" or "horn"-shaped; internal fold in apical half of penis (Wiktor 1996).
Similar to L. macedonicus, but penis is <1/2 body length, thicker, straight and club-shaped, with longer coecum (Wiktor 1983). .
To 78 mm long, 20 mm wide, mantle 22 mm long (Wiktor 1996).
Continental Greece south to Parnon Mts and Ionian Id, and north to Macedonia (Wiktor 1996).
Deciduous forests and open places in the mountains; to 2000 m altitude; shelters under tree bark and in cracks in rocks (Wiktor 1996).