Poorly known. Sometimes seems like a synanthrope. Often abundant, but most crawling slugs are juvenile. Adults may live more hidden; they are rare throughout all seasons.
Mesolimax brauni Pollonera, 1888
Conservation status:
Fairly common species in SW Turkey (Schütt 2010).
Body length up to 55 mm, width 16-18 mm, mantle length 8 mm; to >60 mm long extended; 15 mm wide contracted; can be mature at 35-40 mm long (Schütt 2010).
Aegean islands from Karpathos and Rodos to Lesvos (Greece) and adjacent Turkish mainland between Izmir and Silifke.
Type Locality: Turkey: "Asia Minor".
Pine forest (Wiktor et al. 1994); near riverbanks, the ocean, and human habitations; under rocks and leaf litter or in rock crevices (Yildirim & Kebapçi 2004).
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical):
Ed Baker,
Katherine Bouton
Alice Heaton
Dimitris Koureas,
Laurence Livermore,
Dave Roberts,
Simon Rycroft,
Ben Scott,
Vince Smith