Deroceras (Liolytopelte) bureschi (Wagner, 1934)
External: Dark brown body, often with large dark flecks (Wiktor 1983).
Internal: Irregularly-shaped penis with narrower apical section; swellings and usually a smooth digital process (greatly variable in size) on the penis apex; penial retractor muscle in two branches, with one end on apical end of penis and one on digital process; penis with internal fold; yellow hard plate on penial stimulator; little or no rectal caecum (Wiktor 1983, 2000).
Similar to D. laeve, but tail (behind mantle) is relatively wide and short (Wiktor 1983).
Preserved: to 30 mm long, 6 mm wide, mantle 9 mm long (Wiktor 1983).
SW Romania, Bulgaria, and probably countries of the former Yugoslavia (Wiktor 1983, 2000).
Type Locality: Bulgaria, Vratsanska Planina Mts., W of Elisena, Mednik cave in Iskur gorge (Wiktor 2000).
Mountains to 2000 m altitude; forests, especially beech and hornbeam; wet habitats; in undergrowth and under stones (Wiktor 1983).
Mature in late spring (Wiktor 1983).