Up to 44 mm long, exceptionally 60 mm (preserved 25 mm).
Lowlands; most often found in meadows, predominantly near water, in the vicitity of ditches filled with water, near rivers; also under solitary trees and shrubs, in gardens, cemeteries, rural habitats; is commonly dispersed as a synanthrope. In Bulgaria in up to 900 m.
Life cycle:
Reaches sexual maturity after 2 months; self-fertilization and copulation are both possible; life cycle lasts 1 year and appears to depend on the climate zone. Main reproductive phase is in summer and fall, eggs hibernate in frosty regions. .
Trophic strategy:
Omnivore (Schütt 2010). Feeds on green parts of plants and fruits.
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical):
Ed Baker,
Katherine Bouton
Alice Heaton
Dimitris Koureas,
Laurence Livermore,
Dave Roberts,
Simon Rycroft,
Ben Scott,
Vince Smith