Deroceras (Deroceras) nyphoni de Winter and Butot, 1986
Conservation status:
Endemic species, only known from Skiathos island.
External: Slug dirty cream or creamy brown, with diffuse dark spots; no light section in middle of dorsum; mantle length 45 % of body.
Internal: Penis elongated with broad appendix; penial gland consisting of up to 9 unbranched processes with papillae; penis retractor muscle bifurcated; stimulator cone-shaped with wide base; no typical caecum, only a slight pocket-like distension in rectum.
Up to 31 x 6.5 mm (preserved).
Greece: Skiathos island.
Type Locality: Greece: Skiathos island, S of Moni Evangelistria.
Was found under stones, in open habitats and in olive-yards.