Deroceras (Deroceras) limacoides (Simroth, 1904)
External: Light yellow-gray body with a light streak along mid-dorsum; mantle with dark spots in the middle and a dark band on either side; sometimes dark stripe on either side of the keel; (Simroth 1904 in Wiktor 2000).
Internal: Long, irregular, cylindrical penis; hammer-shaped apical part of penis with two side pockets; penial gland large, club-shaped, and smooth; vas deferens attached at side of apex; retractor muscle attached on side by smaller apical pocket; flat, tongue-shaped stimulator in penis; no rectal caecum (Simroth 1904 in Wiktor 2000).
13 mm long (dried) (Wiktor 2000).
Type Locality: Gardula and Abera, Djam-djam, Ethiopia (Wiktor 2000).