Deroceras (Deroceras) kythirensis Wiktor, Vardinoyannis, and Mylonas, 1994
Apparently an endemic species of Kithira island.
Apparently an endemic species of Kithira island.
External: Gray cream body with lots of dark spots, especially in skin grooves; some spots on also on pneumostome, few on head; cream sole (Wiktor et al. 1994).
Internal: Simple ovate penis with little/no medial constriction; no penial appendices; a single large penial gland with large papillae at penis apex; penial retractor muscle joins penis apex beside penial gland and vas deferens; short, conical penial stimulator with striated outside; sometimes pigmentation on upper penis and stimulator; little/no rectal caecum (Wiktor et al. 1994; Wiktor 2000).
Similar to D. famagustensis but the latter not spotted, no penial stimulator, and rectal caecum present (Wiktor et al. 1994).
Preserved: to16 mm long, 3 mm wide, mantle 7.5 mm long (Wiktor et al. 1994).
Shrubland and old cultivated land (Wiktor et al. 1994).