Deroceras (Deroceras) glandulosum (Simroth, 1904)
External: Brown or purplish-black-brown body; sometimes with dark spots on mantle and tail (Wiktor 2000).
Internal: Long, cylindrical penis shaped like an "S" and narrowing into a bent appendix; two penial glands: one consisting of fine glandular threads in a ball with a thick shaft, located between appendix and penis, and the other of similar composition located between the penis and atrium; penis retractor muscle with one branch between penis and appendix and the other attaching into shaft of penis gland; thin vas deferens joined between penis and appendix; just grooves, no stimulator or folds in penis; ovate spermatheca with long, thin duct; no rectal caecum (Wiktor 2000).
Preserved: to 35 mm long, 7.5 mm wide, mantle 13 mm long; can be mature at 18 mm long (Wiktor 2000).
Type Locality: S of Jimma, Ethiopia (Wiktor 2000).
Mountains (Wiktor 2000).