Deroceras (Deroceras) gavdosensis Wiktor, Vardinoyannis, and Mylonas, 1994
Conservation status:
Endemic of Gavdos, frequent in all parts of the island (Welter-Schultes 1998: 112).
Gavdos Id, Greece (Wiktor et al. 1994).
Type Locality: Greece: Gavdos island S of Crete, between Karave and Kastri, UTM KU35.
Life cycle:
Life cycle extremely short, apparently only 2 months. Slugs in terraria hatched 30 days after copulation of the parents, laid eggs another 30 days later and lived at least 2 months (Welter-Schultes 1998: 63). The short life cycle is possibly an adaptation to the extremely hot climate.