Deroceras (Deroceras) afer (Simroth, 1904)
External: Dark brown body with dark spots on mantle; thick skin; possibly darkly pigmented reticulations in skin (Wiktor 2000).
Internal: Rounded penis with a deep indent on one side; large papillate penial gland on apex of penis, with two branches each divided into two more branches; broad appendix on penis apex; penial retractor muscle with multiple branches, and attached to side of penis appendix and base of penis gland; vas deferens attached to penis apex under penis gland and retractor muscle branch; flat, wide penial stimulator with edges curled over in penis; minimal caecum on rectum (Wiktor 2000).
Preserved: to 33 mm long, 9 mm wide, 12 mm long mantle (Wiktor 2000).
Only found at type locality in Ethiopia (Gara Mulata) (Wiktor 2000).
Found in mountains over 2500 m altitude (Wiktor 2000).