Limax Linnaeus, 1758
Limax species may form daytime aggregations in daytime resting shelters (Cook 1981), where they eventually may lay eggs (Cook & Radford 1988).
Extenal: Plain, striped, or spotted body; mantle 1/4-1/3 body length; pneumostome post-medial on mantle; concentric lines on skin centered on midline of mantle; keel along part of dorsum (Chichester & Getz 1973; Kerney & Cameron 1979).
Internal: Tentacular and buccal muscles same origin (Chichester & Getz 1973); penis cylindrical, long, and often convoluted; no internal stimulator in penis; no epiphallus; small rounded spermatheca with short duct; 3-looped intestine with no rectal caecum or long caecum (Kerney & Cameron 1979; Wiktor et al. 2000; Schileyko 2003; Herbert 2010).
Species of Limax may be distinguished through mantle patterns and color, mucous color, rectal caecum presence (Chichester & Getz 1973), length of third intestinal loop (Forsyth 2004), and features of the genitalia.
Large slugs regularly exceeding 100 mm long (to 200 mm long); contracted or preserved body to 150 mm long (Chichester & Getz 1973).
Europe, N Africa, and Asia Minor, with slugs commonest in the Mediterranean region (Wiktor et al. 2000).
Many introductions elsewhere (Thompson 2008).
Forests, gardens, and stone walls (sources in Cook & Radford 1988).
Fungus, algae, dead plants (Kerney & Cameron 1979).