Limax millipunctatus Pini, 1884
External: Slug greyish or yellowish with brown-reddish hue on dorsum and mantle; entirely covered with evenly distributed numerous black dots, slightly less regular down to the sides; tubercles oval and not very prominent; keel short and not very prominent; mantle anteriorly rounded and pointed at posterior end, concentrically striated; tentacles finely spotted; pneumostome without distict margin and slighty posterior of the centre of the mantle; sole evenly white.
Differs from Limax punctulatus in its darker colour, more oval and shorter tubercles, coloured medial line in posterior section, bases of tentacles not approaching each other and lack of a distinct margin of the respiratory hole.
Size: 115-125 x 10-12 mm; preserved: 95 x 10 mm.
Italy (Lombardia, N Apennines).
Type Locality: N Italy: Liguria, Voltri and Setri, also Langobardia.