Tandonia totevi (Wiktor, 1975)
T. cretica.
External: Large-bodied, resembling Limax; dark olive body with light spots and black patterns; light longitudinal stripe on mid-line and light sides; keel, 10 mm long, does not reach mantle; shallow grooves and fine wrinkles in skin, and weak horseshoe groove in mantle (Wiktor 1983).
Internal: Cylindrical epiphallus with a sharp bend, projecting the apex forward; epiphallus 2x penis length; fine penial retractor muscle on epiphallus; spool-shaped penis with swelling on one side; blunt papilla with an opening on top in penis; spermatheca long with hardly any duct; cylindrical oviduct, a bit thinner than epiphallus and same width as vagina; accessory glands agglomerated and compressed to oviduct; very short atrium (Wiktor 1983, 1987); spermatophore 15-22 mm long, with hooks only on 2/3 of length, and hooks with multiple branches (Wiktor et al. 1994).
Preserved: to 95 mm long,15 mm wide, mantle 34 mm long (Wiktor 1987).
Occurs as a synanthrope at its type locality in Bulgaria (Wiktor 1983); found on some Greek islands and Macedonia. Its original range is unknown (Wiktor et al. 1994).
Shrublands, gardens, and close to human habitations (Wiktor 1987; Wiktor et al. 1994).