Tandonia serbica (Wagner, 1931)
T. kusceri.
External: Mantle 1/4 body length; brown, light brown, or pink-brown body; black grooves in skin and 1-2 mm diameter spots on tail; strong dark horseshoe band and sometimes midline band on mantle; black head and tentacles; keel along entire length of dorsum; gray-cream sole; mucus clear (Wiktor 1996).
Internal: Long, thin vas deferens; epiphallus 2x length of penis; long, round penis; penial retractor muscle at constriction between epiphallus and penis; lots of muscle attaching penis and atrium to body wall; ovate spermatheca with thick duct; oviduct 1-3x penis length; short vagina connected to 2+ masses of accessory glands; short atrium; spermatophore copper-yellow and coiled in a spiral, with branching spines in two rows along its entire length (Wiktor 1983, 1996).
Similar to T. kusceri except thicker penial retractor, rounded and shorter penis, different shape of internal penial papilla (Wiktor 1983), smaller-bodied, and with black flecks on body (Wiktor 1996).
Preserved: to 45 mm long, 11 mm wide, mantle 15 mm long (Wiktor 1996).
Serbia and SW Bulgaria (WIktor 1983)
Possibly introduced in Dubrovnik, Croatia (Wiktor 1996).
Rocky places, especially limestone, and dry, brush-covered slopes; to 1200 m altitude (Wiktor 1983).