Tandonia robici (Simroth, 1885)
External: Thick body; green-olive to yellowish to brown-black body, with lighter sides; sometimes with some spots on mantle; black head and tentacles; white sole; weak grooves in skin; clear yellow mucous (Wiktor 1996).
Internal: Cylindrical, tapering, somewhat coiled epiphallus; large convoluted fold in epiphlallus; penis short, rounded, and club-like; variable, ornamented papilla and small papillae in penis; small penial retractor on side of epiphallus; ovate spermatheca not differentiated from its duct; thin cylindrical oviduct; wide vagina with internal papillae; fingerlike accessory glands on vagina; large, ovate atrium about the length of spermatheca+duct; small, thin spermatophore with small spines only on flagellum part (Wiktor 1996).
To 28 mm long, 8.5 mm wide, mantle 9 mm long (Wiktor 1996).
Border of Austria, Italy, and N part of former Yugoslavia (Wiktor 1996).
Deciduous forest, sometimes shrubs; to 1300 m altitude; in leaf litter and under rocks, usually on calcareous substrate (Wiktor 1987, 1996).