Tandonia rara Wiktor, 1996
External: Narrow body; black body, head and sides; weak keel; cream sole, sometimes with black fringes (Wiktor 1996).
Internal: Cylindrical epiphallus, sometimes with small papillae on middle exterior; penis+epiphallus is 1/2 the length of spermatheca+duct; cylindrical oviduct is the length of the penis+epiphallus; undetectable penial retractor muscle; ovate spermatheca, with duct as long as spermatheca; thick-walled spermatheca duct; hardened, spiny structures between vagina and atrium, and forming a rosette when everted from the body; finger-like accessory glands around vagina; atrium irregular in shape and undifferentiated from vagina (Wiktor 1996).
Juveniles: blackish (Wiktor 1996).
Preserved: to 45 mm long, 9 mm wide, mantle 15 mm long (Wiktor 1996).
Velebit Mts. in Croatia (Wiktor 1966).
Low elevation to 600 m; at the base of and in cracks of limestone rocks (Wiktor 1996).