Tandonia fejervaryi (Wagner, 1929)
Emerges during nighttime mists and is hidden in rock cracks during the day (Wiktor 1996).
External: Very black body; weak keel; fine skin grooves; creamy sole; clear mucous, when perturbed is thick, opaque, light blue-green (Wiktor 1996).
Internal: Cylindrical epiphallus with vas deferens on apex; sharp-pointed, dense papillae inside epiphallus, penis, and vagina; cylindrical penis with a rounded papilla inside; fine penial retractor; thick-walled spermatheca without a distinct duct; vagina very long; long, thin. digital glands attached to vagina; retractor muscles on vagina; very short atrium; spermatophore with spines on flagella part, and with wide container part (Wiktor 1996).
To 52 mm long, 12 mm wide, mantle 16 mm long; cylindrical body (Wiktor 1996).
Croatia (Velebit Mts) (Wiktor 1996).
Lowland Mediterranean habitats; dry, calcareous places with little vegetation; shelters in cracks in rock (Wiktor 1996).