Caspilimax keyserlingi (Martens, 1880)
External: Large slugs; variable in color; mantle <1/3 body length; pointed posterior edge of mantle; pneomostome post-medial on mantle; large cephalic shield; short keel (Schileyko 2003).
Internal: Right ocular retractor passes under oviduct and penial retractor muscle; no intestinal caecum; very short, thick vas deferens joins penis through an internal pore; globular penis contains a rounded stimulator and 1-2 large folds; penial retractor muscle on base of penis; thin sheath around lower 2/3 of penis; short oviduct with short folds inside; spermatheca small with short duct; no vagina (Schileyko 2003).
To 115 mm long (Sysoev & Schileyko 2009); to 80 mm long contracted (Schileyko 2003).
SE Caucasus Mts., nearby Iran (Schileyko 2003); Talysh and Lenkoran lowland forests (Likharev & Schileyko, MS; Sysoev & Schileyko 2009).
Forests (Likharev & Schileyko, MS; in Sysoev & Schileyko 2009).