Lehmannia horezia Grossu & Lupu, 1967
Lehmannia marginata, L. macroflagellata, L. rupicola.
External: Relatively thick bodied and with large mantle; gray-cream body with darker markings, including two bands on mantle with brown color in between, and sometimes with dark gray spots in rows along body sides; cream keel and sole (Wiktor 1983).
Internal: Short vas deferens; penis club-shaped with dark apical end and long, thick retractor muscle; long, thin penial apendix/gland >1/2 penis length and often coiled, opposite retractor; spermatheca to 2x length of penis; oviduct about penis length (Wiktor 1983).
Similar to L. rupicola but with shorter penis, longer spermatheca, shorter oviduct (Wiktor 1983). Similar to L. macroflagellata but is stouter and larger with blurred (not clear) body patterns, larger round (not flat) penis and penial gland not as thin or long (longer than penis in L. macroflagellata), larger spermatheca, and shorter duct (Wiktor 1983).
Preserved: to 44 mm long, 9 mm wide, mantle 17 mm long (Wiktor 1983).
Balkan Mts. in Bulgaria, Romania (Wiktor 1983).
Deciduous forest at middle altitudes; to 700 m altitude in Romania, 1000-2400 m altitude (to above timberline) in Bulgaria; on beech and rocks (Wiktor 1983).