Milax Gray, 1855
General description:
Milax consists of 13 species with a center of diversity in the Mediterranean region (Wiktor 1996).
External: usually stout-bodied; strong keel along entire back (Wiktor 1983; Schileyko 2003).
Internal: short epiphallus that widens toward apex; one large accessory gland connects to the atrium; no vaginal accessory glands (unlike Tandonia); large, barrel-shaped atrium with 1-3 internal stimulators (usually) (Wiktor 1983, 1987); kidney covers heart auricle (Schileyko 2003).
To 70 mm long when moving (Schileyko 2003). Preserved slugs to 65 mm long (Wiktor 1983).
British Isles, Mediterranean region, S Caucasus (Schileyko 2003), Black Sea, Canary Ids; highest diversity around the Mediterranean (Wiktor 1987). .