Arion (Kobeltia) distinctus Mabille, 1868
Wiktor (1996) suggests that references to A. hortensis and A. distinctus, formerly confused, should be carefully regarded from sources prior to 1978.
Exterior: Preserved: black-blue body; side stripes clearly delimited on top and blurred on bottom edge, with right side stripe overlapping with pneumostome (Wiktor 1996).
Interior: Long vas deferens, widening gradually until connection with epiphallus; conic epiphallus with a rounded swelling at its base, and a papilla at its junction with the atrium; long oviduct, thinner towards spermoviduct and wide where it connects with atrium; a short, broad retractor muscle between the two widths of the oviduct; broad basal part of oviduct contains a thin-walled section (by atrium) and a thick-walled section that ends with a papilla; rounded spermatheca; spermatheca duct bent at its connection with a retractor muscle, and duct widens at its connection with atrium; short atrium (Wiktor 1996).
To 35 mm long (Sysoev & Schileyko 2009); preserved: 17 mm long, 4 mm wide, mantle 6 mm long (Wiktor 1996).
Occurs in French Pyrenees to W Poland, S to border region between Italy and Austria, also Bulgaria, Hungary, Croatia (Wiktor 1996), Ukraine (Lvov region) (Sverlova, 2006; in Sysoev & Schileyko 2009). It is unclear in which parts of A. distinctus's range it is native or non-native (Wiktor 1996).
Synanthropic (Wiktor 1996).