Deroceras (Deroceras) nitidum (Morelet, 1845)
External: Light brown to black body; usually dark spots mostly on mantle; lighter sides; creamy sole; clear mucus (Wiktor 2000).
Internal: Penis with bulging side of basal portion, glandular tissue on the bulge; narrower apical section of penis with a small bulge on one side and a large penial gland on the opposite side; penial gland with wide base, tapering upwards, with 2-4 branche, covered in papillae; vas deferens attached at side of apex; retractor muscle usually forked, with one attachment point at the penial gland base and the other on the apical side bulge; flat conical stimulator in penis; little or no rectal caecum (Wiktor 2000).
To 35 mm long extended, 25 mm long preserved (Wiktor 2000).
S Iberian Peninsula (Castillejo et al. 1995).
Type Locality: "Lisbon and Beja in Alemtejo", Portugal (Wiktor 2000).
Moist forest and brushwood (pinewood, cork oak, eucalyptus) (Castillejo et al. 1995).