Malacolimax Malm, 1868
Seven little-known species belong to this slug genus (Wiktor 1983).
External: Small slugs; light body, sometimes with bands on sides; thin skin; pneumostome post-medial on mantle; short, weak keel; single-color sole (Wiktor 1983; Schileyko 2003).
Internal: Short vas deferens attached to penis apex; short round or barrel-shaped penis; penial retractor attached to base of vas deferens; penis with internal folds and no stimulator; penis thin-walled; short spermatheca duct joined to penis or penis+atrium conjunction; fairly long oviduct; (Wiktor 1983; Schileyko 2003).
To 60 mm long living, 35 mm long preserved (Wiktor 1983).
W and Central Europe, Canary Islands, probably N Africa (Wiktor 1983; Schileyko 2003).
Lives about one year (Wiktor 1983).