Lehmannia brunneri (Wagner, 1931)
Emerge en masse at night and in rain (Wiktor 1983).
External: Thin body; black or dark blue body, sometimes with lighter sides, and some with black-gray markings (2 bands on each side with rows of spots beneath, and 5-7 bands on mantle) on a gray-cream background; darker specimens live at higher altitudes; head gray- or brown-cream; black tentacles; keel light; 3-part sole with gray-cream middle section and blackish side sections.
Internal: Vas deferens longer than penis and >2x length of oviduct; cylindrical penis often curved in an "S", with a darkly pigmented apical end; "penis pocket" in funnel shape becomes vas deferens and with retractor muscle at its base; long and thin penial appendix 1/2 length of penis; small spermatheca; spermatheca+duct is 1/2 penis length; long and cylindrical oviduct; differentiated, cylindrical atrium (Wiktor 1983).
Preserved: to 45 mm long, 6-7 mm wide, mantle 14 mm long (Wiktor 1983).
Endemic to the mountains of Bulgaria (Wiktor 1983); Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia, NW continental Greece (Wiktor 1996).
Mountains, 1400-2650 m altitude; near timberline or above; found on rocks rather than trees (Wiktor 1983).
May live two years (Wiktor 1983).