
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
2008Fauna Europaea
B. A. Branson1980The recent Gastropoda of Oklahoma, part VIII. The slug families Limacidae, Arionidae, Veronicellidae, and Philomycidae.
J. Heller2009Land Snails of the Land of Israel: Natural History and a Field Guide
D. G. Herbert2010The Introduced Terrestrial Mollusca of South Africa
T. J. Jennings, Barkham J. P.1975Food of slugs in mixed deciduous woodlands
M. P. Kerney, Cameron R. A. D.1979Land Snails of Britain and North-West Europe
M. P. Kerney, Cameron, R. A. D., Jungbluth, J. H.1983Die Landschnecken Nord- und Mitteleuropas
I. M. Likharev, Wiktor A.1980The Slug Fauna of the USSR and Adjacent Countries (Gastropoda Terrestria Nuda)
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H. A. Pilsbry1948Land Mollusca of North America north of Mexico
C. Pollonera1888Appunti di malacologia
H. E. Quick1960British slugs (Pulmonata: Testacellidae, Arionidae, Limacidae)
A. A. Schilekyo2003Treatise on recent terrestrial pulmonate molluscs
A. A. Schilekyo2003Treatise on recent terrestrial pulmonate molluscs
A. A. Schilekyo2002Treatise on recent terrestrial pulmonate molluscs
A. A. Schileyko2003Treatise on recent terrestrial pulmonate molluscs.
H. Schütt2010Turkish Land Snails
H. Simroth1886Ueber bekannte und neue palaearktische Nacktschnecken
A. Sysoev, Schileyko A.2009Land Snails and Slugs of Russia and Adjacent Countries
A. Wiktor1983The slugs of Bulgaria (Arionidae, Milacidae, Limacidae, Agriolimacidae - Gastropoda, Stylommatophora)
A. Wiktor, Chen, D. N., Wu, M.2000Stylommatophoran slugs of China (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) – Prodromus
A. Wiktor, Chen, D. N., Wu, M.2000Stylommatophoran slugs of China (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) – Prodromus
A. Wiktor, Milani N.1995Contribution to the knowledge of two scarcely known Alpine slugs, Tandonia simrothi (Hesse, 1923) and Deroceras planaroides (Simroh, 1910)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith